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Kameron Phanrana
High School Teacher
Central High
Melva Phillips
Central High
Emily Pickell
Librarian/Media Specialist
Central High
Darren Plattner
High School Teacher
Central High
Lindsay Polarek
High School Teacher
Central High
Cameron Pope
High School Teacher
Central High
Alyssa Randolph
Nurse - Rn
Central High
Daniel Reid
High School Teacher
Central High
Brett Roberts
High School Teacher
Central High
Julia Roberts
High School Teacher
Central High
Shane Rodems
High School Teacher
Central High
Lorena Rodriguez
Central High
Marta Romero Nieto
High School Teacher
Central High
Isaiah Roosevelt
Hall Monitor
Central High
Jessica Ross
High School Teacher
Central High
Brittany Sage
High School Teacher
Central High
Mario Sanchez Macia
High School Teacher
Central High
Elizabeth Santiago
High School Teacher
Central High
Kimberly Saveley
High School Teacher
Central High
Jamie Schrader
High School Teacher
Central High