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March 28, 2024


Dear Maroons,


As you know, The Illinois State Board of Education determined the College Board’s SAT and PSAT will be administered as the state assessment in Illinois high schools. This year, these exams will be digital. Students will take the PSAT/SAT on their Unit 4 Chromebooks. 


All Illinois public-school students enrolled in 9th and 10th grade will take the PSAT. 

Students in 11th grade are required to take the school-administered SAT during the school day in order to meet graduation requirements and to be promoted to 12th grade. 


Central High School will administer the SAT/PSAT tests this coming Tuesday, April 2, 2024, beginning at 8:05 a.m. 


It is CRITICAL that ALL students arrive at school on time.  

  • Only Freshmen (Grade 9), Sophomores (Grade 10), and Juniors (Grade 11) will test on this day. Attendance and participation are mandatory. 

  • GRADUATING SENIORS should not physically attend school on April 4. These ASYNCHRONOUS work options were created for them.  (Attendance will not be taken for seniors; seniors who would like support in any of the options should reach out to the College/Career Center.  While working on any/all of these options is strongly encouraged, it is not required.)

    • If you are a graduating senior and plan to attend Parkland College next year, there is a prospective Parkland Student Registration Day created just for you AT PARKLAND COLLEGE on April 2 since we are testing other students that day.


The majority of students should be done testing at approximately 12:30 p.m. Students will be DISMISSED from school when they have completed their exam. MTD and Unit 4 buses will be available to transport students home at 12:30 p.m.  Some students who have accommodations with extended time will not be done at that point.  Please pay attention to upcoming emails specific to those students so you will know the estimated time for them to be done and can be picked up.


IMPORTANT: ALL STUDENTS WILL NEED THEIR CHARGED CHROMEBOOKS to take these exams! They should also bring their chargers.


Per College Board rules, cell phones and other electronic devices, including smart watches, are not allowed in the testing room.  If a student brings one, it may be collected and returned at the end of testing. Also, no outside food or drinks are allowed during testing. Snacks will be provided to students during breaks. Lunches will be provided to students in the Commons when they are done with testing (or, for some who have extended time accommodations, during their testing time).  When students are dismissed from testing, proctors/room monitors will walk them to the Commons to get their lunch and then dismiss them from the school.

If you have any questions please email Dr. Montia Gardner, Associate Principal, at or Ryan Krows, Associate Principal, at